All those hardcore bucking up session has worn me out, to the point of breaking up.
Having 5 midtests plus 1 concert in 4 days is simply not an easy feat. But i'm glad that the concert ran smoothly yesterday.

Here's a shoot that we (the NUSPE) took after the concert. I'm still waiting more photos from TzeNing, my 6-hands-cum-camwhore-partner.. Hahaha, that sounded downright wrong.
Well, back to the topic of midterm break (read: breaking/cracking up due to midterm tests), I really want to thank all my friends who are always there for me.
Thank you Adi (Leo), for accompanying me jogging at the wee hours around NUS. We took the A2 route, from PGP to National University Hospital, and then back using the A1 route. Really appreciate you being a great listener while I was purging out my bitterness.
Thanks to Aulia for being the recipient of my random smses and posts, and for replying with equally random messages. Really love your quirks, hahaha.
And Ping, although you may think that I was the one walking you back to PGP after the dance session. It was actually me who needs to thank you for being there when I need most. Well, I just need a break after many nights of burning midnight oil, and the supper as well as the late-night exercise were very helpful to release stress. Honest.
My true-blue brother Andy, for being the strong pillar and the epitome of self-discipline and selflessness. Thanks for lending your bed for me to bunk in. And for the alarm clock, too!!
Wilson, the time is tough for us now, but I believe that we are where we belong. So, I hope that you won't give up as well.
WenXin and Tzening, thanks for being great partners. Really looking forward to play more interesting pieces with you guys. And to take more photos of course, hahaha.
To NUSPE people, you are a fun lot. Anirban, I'm really impressed with your careful thought of everything. And my, aren't you all very talented.
I just realised that Pat and Erlin are very funny, even when they're not joking, lol. And I want to thank the whole R2 Reading Room residents as well as NUSMUG Society for backing me up with inspirational talks and quotes. (well, mainly they were TCS, talking-cock-session, but I guess they were fine.. hahaha)
Special mention to my NUSMUG VP, Harry Akbar Sutiono, for being very versatile and prompt partner in living up the mugger spirit. You rock!
Lastly and most importantly, thanks Chelz for the encouraging smses. Although we haven't meet in person since the matriculation fair, it's heartening to see that you're still the same old caring friend.
Well, I may fail the Calculus test. Heck, I may even not be able to sit for Genes and Society retest (worth 30% of final marks). But when I count my blessings, I count you all twice, and the matter of CAP seems petty.
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