This picture was taken yesterday, during the semifinal of the K-pop talent contest 2008 at VivoCity skypark.
Considering that iVoice (harry, andy, michelle senjaya n me) was only been formed the previous 2weeks, I would think that it's already awesome that we were in the semifinal. Great job everyone, I really appreciate all the long hours of practice that we had almost every single day to prepare.. The fact that we managed to get through the audition means that we're already in the top 25% of the participants.
And it really does more than just having fun together and forging stronger bonds. It shows that the 3 musketeers of nusLife really know how to have fun and perform beside mugging!!
For me personally, this experience tells me that God is too wise to be mistaken, and too good to be unkind. In retrospect, many things that I've attempted turned out not as I expected them to be. Yes, we may not have got in the final of this contest, but I'm glad that God has given me the chance to partake in it. I have many things that I want to achieve in life, and God has been faithfully guiding me along, showing me which things are for me and which were not. Left to myself, I'll chase everything and get lost in the process, not knowing what I actually want to pursue. In all, I'm glad that I could still acknowledge my being childish to God, but I know I need to grow up.
Today's message was about taking commitment. I must admit I was kinda lulled by the conviction that God is love and God is forever faithful and true, so that I kind of forget that any working relationship begs mutual commitment. And since God has shown his faithfulness to me, I think it's high time for me to be steadfast to him and his will. I don't want to forever be in a marathon where I say I love God on Sabbath and I love myself (I couldn't care less about God and his will) on the rest of the days. It's time to step up and grow up.